Tuesday, 31 December 2013

The Basic Fungus Guide | Plague Inc.

Basic Fungus Guide

Also check out:

Disclaimer: I do not work for Ndemic Creations or are affiliated with them in any way. I play Plague Inc. and am I fan of the game. Copyrights of Plague Inc. belong to their owners.
I do not claim to own anything associated with Ndemic Creations.

About Fungus

The Virus Plague is the fourth plague that you have access to in Plague Inc.
It is unlocked after beating Bacteria,Virus,Parasite on Casual, Normal or Brutal.

The fungus is a hidden plague, so it is not easily noticed; but is hard to transmit as it relies on spores.
The spore bursts can be strategic: 1 burst at beginning, 1 burst to infect 'uninfected lone' country
The spores can be an advantage: On casual or less difficulty.
The spores can be a disadvantage: Stay away from spore bursts on Brutal. Will wast too much DNA and raise cost of all other abilities. 

1. Starting Out (1/10)

Fungus can be one of the first plagues that even experienced players and strategists will have trouble with: due to the nature of the beast. Fungus type pathogens are hard to TRANSMIT. 

The trick is to focus on infectivity in the beginning and keep your symptoms under control but let hell break loose in the end. -Same as most plagues. This is the basis strategy.

The Spore Bursts:

Infect another country at the beginning of the game
Infect a country with closed borders,shipyards,airport
Spread much faster to different countries
Cost a couple DNA points
Increases cost of all other abilities
WILL COST YOU MUCH MORE DNA THAN YOU MAY BELIEVE (due to raising all other abilities, which are vital to this plague type)

- Starting Country

                    Starting Country Guide: Click Here

Start in:

Saudi Arabia 

Keep in mind that you do not spread easy. So have patients. I only recommend using spore burst to infect two countries right at the beginning if you are not on brutal. You can use this method, but I do not use it in this guide.

Buy Abilities:

Drug Resistance 1

Buy Transmission:

Air 1
Water 1

2. Waiting and Spreading

Devolve any symptoms and stay hidden. This is important.

Be patient. The key to success is to wait for the door of opportunity to open with this pathogen, let your plague infect a large amount of the world pop before you are even noticed.

3. Keep Spreading

Continue to devolve any symptoms. You are to focus on transmissions.

Buy the following transmissions to increase infectivity:
Air 2
Water 2
Extreme Bioaerosol 

Now, buy the following symptoms:


YOU CAN RISK IT - and buy more symptoms, but to not raise any red flags and to slow the cure, stay as hidden as you can. Coughing and sneezing will allow your plague to be noticed but still will not start to kill... yet.

4.  3b INFECTED!

Now buy:
bird transmission I

This is the point where you are on your way to success. At 3b infected you have secured a large amount of the world population and need to focus on fighting off the cure and infectivity. 

Buy Abilities:

Genetic Hardening 1
Genetic Hardening 2

Buy symptoms:

Skin Lesions 


Lethal Symptoms (if any)

5. Still the waiting game.

Buy transmissions:

Bird 2
Insect 1

Now save 30-40 points while still devolving lethal symptoms.

6.  Most Countries Infected

By now your virus should have infected most of the world; around 5 Billion people and most of the countries.

If having trouble with the following countries buy the following listed under the country name.

Greenland & Iceland

Cold Resistance 1
Cold Resistance 2

Madagascar, Indonesia & Caribbean

Heat Resistance 1
Insect 2

Now, buy the following:

Immune Suppression

Bird 1
Bird 2

7. Infectivily Boost

If not already bought buy the following to help infectivity of those still not infected:

Heat 1
Cold 1

Rat 1

If cure gets past 90%:

Genetic Reshuffle 1
Genetic Reshuffle 2

8. All Countries Infected

All countries should now be infected.

If cure reaches over 95%:

Genetic Reshuffle 1 or 2
Genetic Reshuffle 3

Now to help infect the healthy people and to kill the infected evolve the following:

Hemorrhagic Shock 
Internal Hemorrhaging 
Total Organ Failure

If you have extra points:

Rat 2
Heat 2
Cold 2

Even more extra points: 

Blood 2

9. There Are No Healthy People Left

When you get this message, you are on your way to successfully destroying the human race.
Evolve genetic reshuffles if cure gets over 95%
and evolve any lethal symptoms that you can.

10. Success!

You have killed everyone on earth! Congratulations on unlocking Nano Virus!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Plague Inc. Tips | Virus

Using the plague type: Virus. You can effectively infect and kill with this pathogen by following these tips. A little overview of a virus: has the ability to mutate at random. This makes it difficult to control and stay hidden, but if you use strategy you are able to manipulate it's unstable mutations.

For the Three Main Virus Tips Click Here.

10 Tips to using a Virus Pathogen.

1. Do not sell more than 4 total symptoms. You will begin to waste more DNA than you can afford for only staying invisible.

2. Keep an eye on the cure. Even though your Virus will mutate, still watch the cure and keep it below 95%.

3.Never pick a rich starting country with Virus. In some cases, it is smart to cripple rich countries; but to play it safe with this pathogen I recommend either India or China as a starting country. High population density and access to airports.

4.Purchase Transmissions! I see people wondering why their virus is spreading so slow. Invest in a minimum of 4 transmissions, but still keep DNA for lethal symptoms.

5.Kill and infect with the dead. Buy Necrosis symptom so that dead bodies become a vector of transmission. This risks those in labs being exposed, along with higher infection rates.

6.Anemia+Necrosis. Good combo for infection rates. Worth the DNA but remember to only use this in the later stages of your plague.

7.How To Infect Greenland?
The only port into Greenland comes from Norway.

To learn how to infect greenland: Click Here

8.Stay invisible. Remember to devolve at least the first 4 symptoms. This allows the infected to raise less concern and continue the spread of infection.

9.NEVER EVER BUY VIRAL INSTABILITY. Unless you like a very hard challenge, or are very far into the game with DNA to spare.

10. Read our Virus Guide for indepth detail and to learn the strategy behind this pathogen.
You can find it here

Friday, 1 November 2013

Strategic Tips for Anyone | Tips Plague Inc.

Casual Gameplay Tips


1. Bacteria has a special ability: Bacterial Resilience. 
This ability can be used to infect Greenland and
other cold climates.

2. Bacteria can go unnoticed for a long time.
Keep your severity down, and don't become
lethal until you are ready to kill.

3.Click on the "World" button to access
very useful data. To learn more about this,
and how to use this data: Click Here


1. The Virus pathogen is hard to control.
Sell the first 3-4 mutated traits to stay hidden.
Do not waste points devolving after 4.

2. Starting countries matter. Saudi Arabia has a very 
active airport and has a shipyard.
For more information on starting countries: Click Here

3. Never use Viral Instability. 
It creates a more risky setting for you to control
your disease, which means you will not be able
to stay hidden and a cure will be developed quickly.


-The Fungus Pathogen gives even experienced players a run against the cure. As the fungus has very low natural transmission, you need to create the right balance between transmitting and severity throughout the game. For an in-depth guide on how to defeat humanity every time with Fungus, on any difficulty: Click Here.-

1. This is one of the hardest plagues 
for beginners. Be patient and learn strategy.

2. Fungus has trouble with transmission.
Only purchase Spore Burst a maximum of 3 times.
Or you will be wasting DNA you could have bought
a transmission with.

3. Keep away from the cure. 
You need to be patient with this pathogen,
allow it to infect 40% of the population before
you are seen.

For our Fungus Guide: Click Here

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Basic Parasite Guide | Plague Inc App

In Plague Inc., you play Parasite on Brutal similar to how you play Fungus on Brutal. It’s a fairly slow spreading plague, but it has an Ability that is just amazing and makes it pretty easy to beat, just time consuming.
The special ability for Parasite is called Symbiosis. Symbiosis helps to keep your plague from being detected, which is key to winning. It doesn’t keep it from being detected completely, but I have figured out exactly how many symptoms you can load up on without being detected.
I have listed my gene setup below. I have all genes unlocked, which just requires winning 25 games. You don’t need to unlock all of the genes to win this one, as most of these are just the third in each category to unlock.
DNA Gene - Cytochrome Surge (Get more DNA from popping orange DNA bubbles – this one is vital for getting DNA points throughout the game)
Travel Gene - Teracyte (Increases the chance of your plague spreading by land)
Evolution Gene - Sympto-Stasis (Symptom costs don’t increase, but easier to cure – the benefits far outweigh the cost though, this is a must for this strategy)
Mutation Gene - Genetic Mimic (Your plague is harder to cure – counterbalances Sympto-Stasis a bit)
Environment Gene - Extremophile (Minor bonus in all environments – I like this one instead of the specific environment bonuses, but it’s not vital)
The main strategy here is to infect the world without them knowing, and then kill them all as fast as possible. This is a longer game since Parasites takes a little while to spread, so you have to be patient.
Your Symbiosis ability is vital for this to work. With all three levels of Symbiosis purchased, you can buy a ton of symptoms to increase infectivity, and you don’t even need a ton of transmissions because of this. Since you’re working with Symptom-Stasis as well, symptoms you purchase will be a lot cheaper than normal as well since they don’t increase in cost.
One very important thing to remember is that you DO NOT want your plague to be detected until everyone in the world is infected. The only way to do this is to keep your severity at zero, which means buying exactly the symptoms I list and no more than that.
You also need to devolve any mutated symptoms that aren’t on the list below immediately. When I say that you need to devolve mutated symptoms immediately, I mean once the notification pops up that a symptom has mutated, do not close the notification first, go immediately to the symptoms list and devolve it, or risk your plague being noticed before you even get a chance to react. If the world detects your plague early, you might as well start over because you probably won’t win.
Ok, let’s get to it then shall we?
Phase 1
  • Start in China
  • Abilities: Symbiosis 1, 2, and 3 (get these before anything else)
  • Symptoms: Cysts, Hyper Sensitivity
  • Transmissions: Livestock 1, Water 1
Phase 2
  • Symptoms: Anaemia, Haemophilia, Rash, Sweating, Sneezing, Coughing, Pneumonia, Nausea, Vomiting – Devolve anything else that mutates (trust me, they can’t detect your plague with these, but anything else and they will)
Phase 3
  • Transmissions: Bird 1, Air 1, Blood 1
  • Symptoms: Devolve any symptom mutations immediately
  • Abilities: Drug Resistance 1, Cold 1
Phase 4 
  • Ride this out and rack up points. You’ll need 59 points to begin killing people everyone off, but you should have more than enough
  • Abilities: Genetic Hardening 2 if you have enough extra points at this time, but if you don’t for some reason then let time run a little longer and gather up the points from orange DNA bubbles
Phase 5
  • Time to start destruction!
  • Symptoms: Once everyone in the world is infected and you have 59 points, purchase Paralysis, Coma, and Total Organ Failure to start killing people off
  • The cure will start to rise quickly, but don’t panic.. you’ll be racking up points quickly as well
  • Purchase Genetic Reshuffle 1 when you have enough points, spend the rest on deadly symptoms like Internal Hemorrhaging, Hemorrhagic Shock, and Necrosis
  • The cure shouldn’t get much higher than 50% with everyone dying so quickly, spend any spare points on other fun symptoms
Congrats, you win!
It’s tough to get a very high score on this one, but at least you beat it.
How to beat Parasite on Brutal in Plague, Inc.
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Saturday, 26 October 2013

Plague Inc. Tips | All Plagues |

Plague Inc App | Tips 


Useful Tips;

These are the key points that will get you through any plague in the first try. They are located on our main website and you can access them through the links below.

(Recommended for best result) If you want to access all three tips: I suggest you opening the first two in adf.ly and then the third with the alternative link. This way you can read a useful tip while you support our growth. Thank you for your time. Happy plaguing.

Starting Country | It's Cccold! | Staying Invisible

Starting Country | It's Cccold! | Staying Invisible

Advertised Links are on the top, alternative links are at the bottom.
Plague Inc App. - Chroma Gaming

Monday, 19 August 2013

Plague Inc. | Achievements Manual

Achievements Manual

Big Bang
"Kill the DarkWater research team"
-Start in USA

Bottle Smasher
Smash a blue cure bubble.
Very straight forward.

Discover the Walking Dead Combo.
Insomnia + Anemia

Brown Streets
Discover the Public Defecation Combo.

Contaminated Package
Lets humans transfer the plague through blood transfusions.
Blood I

Evolve Your Disease
Evolve your disease.

Long Shot
Discover the projectile vomiting combo.
Vomiting + Sneezing

Not Another Zombie Game
Beat the Necroa Virus without making a single zombie.

Oink Oink
Discover the swine flu combo.

Olympic Spoiler
Help the Olympics go viral in the UK.

Plague In Space
Infect astronauts before they launch a space mission.

Red Rain
Discover the Profuse Bleeding Combo.

Russian Nuclear Retaliation
Make the USA nuke Russia.

The End Plague
Win with any plague.

Touchscreen Trash
Stop the icure from helping reach a successful cure.

Uh Oh
Vomiting + Sneezing

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Plague Inc. | Walk through : Virus

Casual || Normal || Brutal 

Casual -

Starting Out:

Pick a Starting
Pick a Symptom Path
Focus on Infectivity
This is the first step to starting the game. This will affect how your plague acts to different climates, but also how quickly your plague will spread.
Symptom paths effect how your plague interacts with humans.
Learn all of the deadly, quick killing Symptom Paths Here.
Infectivity is what gains you more dna points. Don't try to kill people too early in the game. Or else they will have the time needed to finish the cure.

Best Starting Countries:
Click Here - Symptom Manual

Starting Countries Matter
1.       Saudi Arabia
2.       China
3.       Iraq
4.       Indonesia
5.       Mexico
6.       UK
There are the most effective starting countries that I have found.
Saudi Arabia is my favourite just because of its mass of airplanes and ships that travel around the world.
If you are having trouble beating a plague on plague inc:
·         Use a better or different starting country
·         Focus on infectivity more until 60% of people are infected
·         Learn your symptoms.

Walk through:

# of infected
|| Walkthrough ||
Start in any country you like. I have made some recommendations in the starting out section above. I usually use Saudi Arabia.
Pick a symptom path. This is how you will evolve symptoms for your plague.

Save up DNA points. So that you can buy a transmission and infect your starting country faster.

I start with Water 1. I find it can increase infectivity more than air 1.
Water 1

Or air 1. But I usually start with water 1.

If you do use air 1 instead first; buy water 1 in the next step instead.

Not needed right now.

Not needed, just like symptoms. Wouldn’t do much for your plague.
Watch your screen for tips. The game will give you news updates and reminders throughout the game. They can be important and game changing during fighting the cure and killing the world.

You should have around 15 DNA points by now, invest once again in transmissions.
Air 1

First Symptom Path Trait.

I picked the coughing path.
But, because the virus mutates a lot I have nausea & coughing.
Still not needed until your plague spreads to a much larger scale.

These are important later on in the game.
15k - 100k infected took me a couple seconds with:
Water 1
Air 1
Coughing & nausea

You should now have roughly 11 DNA points.

Transmissions will not allow your plague to be detected as they don't effect humans other than increasing the chance of the plague spreading.

Keep this in mind. But right now you should invest in drug resistance to help increase infectivity!
Right now you will want to save for more transmissions.

During this stage, I find drug resistance to be a good investment.
Don't buy any more symptoms.

Because virus mutates more, you will have to DEVOLVE lethal symptoms.

This is to not alert the humans.
Drug Resistance 1

This lets your virus survive treatments from basic medicine.

This is very effective when starting out.
Once you purchase the drug resistance you should see some red bubbles to pop.

Your disease should now be in multiple countries. This is a good step.

You now have millions infected but still need more transmission!

Evolve the trait: Air 2.

Air 2

This will increase the change of your plague being spread by airplanes.
Not yet! Devolve any lethal symptoms for now.

This is the reason most people struggle with virus.

They aren't aware that the free traits aren't helpful.
None for now.
You should have around 17 DNA points by this point.

Congradulations. You have infected over 1% of the world. 50m.

Keep an eye on government activities around the world.

Evolve water 2 & remember to devolve those annoying, random symptoms that keep popping up for "free".
Water 2

This will increase the movement of your plague through waterways.

This helps infect Greenland!
You can keep the less harmful ones.

Symptoms can raise awareness of your plague.

Isn't good at this point of the game.
These will help stop the cure.
You have been spotted!
This is the point the government has noticed the virus.

The spread of your plague has slowed down from the 5m-50m jump by now. And they are now aware of you.

Keep spreading. Evolve Extreme Bioaerosol to boost your transmission and to infect the still healthy countries.

Extreme Bioaerosol
Keep devolving.

Have a question of need help?
Leave a comment!
Billions now infected..

You should have just under 80 DNA points that can be used to start the beginning of the end!

I continue on my coughing path by purchasing sneezing & Pneumonia.

Cold resistance will be effective in infecting Greenland & Canada.

Cold Resistance 1
Cure is started.
The cure will not have much funding as it has just begun.

You will not have to worry about the cure until it reaches 80+ %.

Now evolve Pulmonary Oedema. This will once again increase infectivity.

Bird 1 and Insect 1 will help to boost infectivity in almost all countries. This will help infect the rest of the healthy population!
Bird 1
Insect 1
Pulmonary Oedema

Heat 1
(if you have extra points you don't want to save)
You should now have over 100 DNA points. 4 billion is large part of the world.

The cure should have less than 5% by now as well.

This is the perfect time to become hostile. Evolve:
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Total Organ Failure
With left over DNA points evolve Rodents 1.
Rodent 1

Pulmonary Fibrosis
Total Organ Failure
Genetic Hardening 1
By now a country should have started to lead cure research on a global level.

Also, your first death will cause countries to worry about how far spread you have become.

Pop the blue bubbles!

The world leaders will now start to kill off animals carrying your disease and close ports, airports & borders.

Now it is a race to see if you can kill before they can cure.

Evolve all symptoms you can. But buy a couple transmissions if you have spare dna points.

Skin Lesions

Annoying Cold Countries.
Buy Cold Resistance 2.

Purchase Necrosis to make the dead bodies around the world a source of infection.

Purchase as many symptoms to kill as you can.

None, unless cure is 80%+

Then buy:
Genetic Reshuffle 1
Buy genetic reshuffle to blow the cure off. This will make sure that you will succeed.

Continue evolving your virus as much as you can. All symptoms help out at this point of the game.

No healthy people in the world - this is one of the last steps to defeating the world.

Insect 2
Internal Hemorrhaging

Genetic Reshuffle 1 & 2