Basic Fungus Guide
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About Fungus
The Virus Plague is the fourth plague that you have access to in Plague Inc.
It is unlocked after beating Bacteria,Virus,Parasite on Casual, Normal or Brutal.
The fungus is a hidden plague, so it is not easily noticed; but is hard to transmit as it relies on spores.
The spore bursts can be strategic: 1 burst at beginning, 1 burst to infect 'uninfected lone' country
The spores can be an advantage: On casual or less difficulty.
The spores can be a disadvantage: Stay away from spore bursts on Brutal. Will wast too much DNA and raise cost of all other abilities.
1. Starting Out (1/10)
Fungus can be one of the first plagues that even experienced players and strategists will have trouble with: due to the nature of the beast. Fungus type pathogens are hard to TRANSMIT.
The trick is to focus on infectivity in the beginning and keep your symptoms under control but let hell break loose in the end. -Same as most plagues. This is the basis strategy.
The Spore Bursts:
Infect another country at the beginning of the game
Infect a country with closed borders,shipyards,airport
Spread much faster to different countries
Cost a couple DNA points
Increases cost of all other abilities
WILL COST YOU MUCH MORE DNA THAN YOU MAY BELIEVE (due to raising all other abilities, which are vital to this plague type)
- Starting Country
Starting Country Guide: Click Here
Start in:
Saudi Arabia
Keep in mind that you do not spread easy. So have patients. I only recommend using spore burst to infect two countries right at the beginning if you are not on brutal. You can use this method, but I do not use it in this guide.
Buy Abilities:
Drug Resistance 1
Buy Transmission:
Air 1
Water 1
2. Waiting and Spreading
Devolve any symptoms and stay hidden. This is important.
Be patient. The key to success is to wait for the door of opportunity to open with this pathogen, let your plague infect a large amount of the world pop before you are even noticed.
3. Keep Spreading
Continue to devolve any symptoms. You are to focus on transmissions.
Buy the following transmissions to increase infectivity:
Air 2
Water 2
Extreme Bioaerosol
Now, buy the following symptoms:
YOU CAN RISK IT - and buy more symptoms, but to not raise any red flags and to slow the cure, stay as hidden as you can. Coughing and sneezing will allow your plague to be noticed but still will not start to kill... yet.
Now buy:
bird transmission I
This is the point where you are on your way to success. At 3b infected you have secured a large amount of the world population and need to focus on fighting off the cure and infectivity.
Buy Abilities:
Genetic Hardening 1
Genetic Hardening 2
Buy symptoms:
Skin Lesions
Lethal Symptoms (if any)
5. Still the waiting game.
Buy transmissions:
Bird 2
Insect 1
Now save 30-40 points while still devolving lethal symptoms.
6. Most Countries Infected
By now your virus should have infected most of the world; around 5 Billion people and most of the countries.
If having trouble with the following countries buy the following listed under the country name.
Greenland & Iceland
Cold Resistance 1
Cold Resistance 2
Madagascar, Indonesia & Caribbean
Heat Resistance 1
Insect 2
Now, buy the following:
Immune Suppression
Bird 1
Bird 2
7. Infectivily Boost
If not already bought buy the following to help infectivity of those still not infected:
Heat 1
Cold 1
Rat 1
If cure gets past 90%:
Genetic Reshuffle 1
Genetic Reshuffle 2
8. All Countries Infected
All countries should now be infected.
If cure reaches over 95%:
Genetic Reshuffle 1 or 2
Genetic Reshuffle 3
Now to help infect the healthy people and to kill the infected evolve the following:
Hemorrhagic Shock
Internal Hemorrhaging
Total Organ Failure
If you have extra points:
Rat 2
Heat 2
Cold 2
Even more extra points:
Blood 2
9. There Are No Healthy People Left
When you get this message, you are on your way to successfully destroying the human race.
Evolve genetic reshuffles if cure gets over 95%
and evolve any lethal symptoms that you can.
10. Success!
You have killed everyone on earth! Congratulations on unlocking Nano Virus!